دانش و بینش . on 127 standards andthe tests are performed in conformity with DIN16961standards as a rule the strength caculations are performed under double check the perissible deformation ratio is 6 for long term and 3 for short term THEcaculation method is based on 127 guidelines THEcaculation method based on 127 standard S 24 =E 24 I/r 3 E 24=MODULUS OF …

Dec 10, 2019· With more than 30,000 units installed around the world, the EXAKT Classic 50 is the best known and most accepted pharmaceutical ointment mill. The. Classic 50 ensures excellent results for topical, oral and suppository applications among others. When preparing ointments and creams containing crystallized ingredients, the EXAKT 50 is superior to ...

Jan 14, 2020· And the EXAKT 50 EC+ delivers more control in making that elegant preparation. HIGHLIGHTS. › Roller gap to 10 μm. › Precise setting of the roller gap, no dry running possible. › Up to 5 l/h throughput with a gap width of 10 μm. › Continuously adjustable circumferential speed of the rollers. › Interchangeable roller set.

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