Feb 23, 2018· Addanc found in maps 21/1, 25/1 and 26/1. Enbarr found in maps 21/2, 23/1, 26/1 and 26/2. Dabilla found in maps 21/2, 22/1 and 26/2. Rowing Boat, Lifebuoy and Iron Anchor gained from killing Addanc, Enbarr or Dabilla. Description: Ah Captain! I could tell you were back by your natural 'aroma'.

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Feb 23, 2018· They seem tobe making some maneuvers, as if they're practicing something. I need you to head out and do some damage to a few different types, just to see how they react. End At: Monroe Robinson (Map 24/1) Rewards: 35,000 Gold. 3,600,000 EXP. Patterns of Strife. Start At: Monroe Robinson (Map 24/1) Task:

Mar 30, 2019· Prend ta quete examen. Va en 24.1. Achete une petite flotte ( il t'en faudra surement une 2e ) sur l'ile que tu veux. Va taper le charrieur aux bouleys perce cuirasse qui sera autour de l'ile. "Si vous n'aimez pas les règles, respectez les, atteignez le sommet et changez les" Kurumi Tokisaki. OMyZrraak, 30 mars 2019.

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