IT Orientation Workshop on 22nd & 23rd Sep, 2016. The Islamabad High Court is pleased to organize an IT two days orientation workshop on 22nd September (in IHC at 10:30 AM) and 23rd September (in District Courts at 10:30 AM) to demonstrate the I.T facilities i.e. all features of newly developed official website, Online Case Flow Management System for litigant and …

2. CRLMP / 5735 / 2022 (SURENDRA KUMAR VS STATE OF RAJASTHAN) Date of Order/Judgment: 13/09/2022. This Court opined that from collective reading of S.154, 155 (3), 155 (4)CrPC, police can proceed u/s.154 upon an information alleging multiple offences u/s-205,420,468,471 IPC. S.155 (4) allows police to treat entire case as cognizable where both ...

Caveat Search. 1.If you know the of the Case, enter the 16 alphanumeric CNR Number without any – (hyphen) or space.. 2.On Clicking the Search button, the current status and entire history of the Case will be shown. 3.If you don't know the CNR number of the case, then it can be searched by other options like Case Registration Number, Party ...

JUNIOR CIVIL JUDGES - Transfers and Postings of Junior Civil Judges - Orders - Issued - B.Special, dated 20-09-2022. DISTRICT JUDGES - Transfers and Postings of District and Sessions Judges issued vide High Court Notification No.429-B.Spl., dated 19.09.2022 is kept in abeyance, until further orders - Orders - Issued - B.Spl. Section, dated 20 ...

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