Aranaut is a Haos Shadow Aranaut from Neathia in Bakugan: Mechtanium Knights. He is Sean Dwyer's Guardian Bakugan. His ball form is a Haos Aranaut with a Darkus arm. Same applies to his Stand Form. Aranaut is a very strong Haos Bakugan and former member of the Castle Knights. Off the field, Aranaut is a wise Bakugan who helps balance out …

Aranaut es el caballero Haos de los Bakugan de Neatia. Es el compañero bakugan de Fabia Sheen en Bakugan: Invasores Gundalianos y anteriormente fue el compañero bakugan de su novio y prometido, Jin. Aranaut se asocia con Fabia Sheen de los Peleadores de bakugan. El es increiblemente leal a Fabia y a los Caballeros del Castillo, …

Haos Aranaut. Darkus Aranaut. Other. Haos Aranaut using Battle Crusher (Note the Blue Visor) The Gate Card Aranaut's Turf. Barias Gear connected to Aranaut. IM Icon. Aranaut's Ability Card. Aranaut. Black Stealth Aranaut. Categories Categories: Image Galleries; Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted.

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