With more than 50 years of experience, we focus on developing and manufacturing conveyor components to meet the needs of your bulk material handling application. Our complete GURTEC offering includes rollers, frames, pulleys and belt cleaners, safety and control devices . With an emphasis on performance and reliability, we provide products that ...

2000. 2005: Einführung der HM140/150 fließgestreckten und endgeformten Tragrollen Produktionslinie. 2015: Neue vollautomatische Produktionslinie für GST Tragrollen. 2017: NEPEAN kauft 's Conveyor Components Geschäftsbereich inkl. der früheren GURTEC und 's Conveyor Systems Geschäftsbereich in Hollola (FIN) und führt die …

Downloads. Our technical guides and resources are backed by a responsive team who are available to share the insights and experience they have gathered over many decades. Download the information you require, including our ISO Management System Certificates, or contact our sales team for support and advice.

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