The comparisons made here were done so with default settings and across browser release versions as follows: Firefox (81) | Chrome (85) | Edge (85) | Safari (14) | Opera (67) | Internet Explorer (11) | Brave (1.14.81) This page is updated semi-quarterly to reflect latest versioning and may not always reflect latest updates.

Oct 24, 2022· Turn on Dark Mode. Open settings: In macOS Ventura or later, choose Apple menu > System Settings, then click Appearance in the sidebar. In earlier versions of macOS, choose Apple menu > System Preferences, then click click General. Then select one of the Appearance options at the top of the window: Light: Use the light appearance.

Follow the "Activate using an Internet Connection" method below to attempt via the internet. Automated System & Live Support Advocate: To get the telephone number for activation support, follow the "Activate by Phone" method below. You will get the option to activate your device over the phone. Please attempt to activate using this ...

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