Powerful cutting force, maximum load capacity and low-cost-per-ton loading — the P&H 4100XPC AC is engineered to deliver all three, with a unique twin-leg handle design and the latest in rope shovel dipper technology. ... The 4100/4800 features the latest in dipper technology: a low-maintenance latching system, optimal toe penetration and the ...

P&H 4100XPC. Carga útil nominal de 108.9 tm (120 tc) Capacidad nominal del balde de 52.8 a 61.2 m 3 (de 69 a 82 yd 3) Ideal para camiones de carga de 218 a 363 tm (de 240 a 400 tc) y sistemas de trituradora-transportadora de alta capacidad (más de 8000 tph) en la mina. Alto nivel de disponibilidad comprobado y consistente de la máquina por ...

P&H 4100XPC AC-90. Nominal payload of 73 to 82 mt (80 to 90 st) Nominal dipper capacity 42 to 49 m 3 (54 to 64 yd. 3) Ideal for loading 218 to 327 mt (240 to 360 st) haul trucks. Proven, consistent high machine availability of at least 90%. Optimized dipper geometry for increased fill factors. A full suite of service products and consumables ...

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